Yogurt dog treats, just like Nimble's other favorites, are a cinch to make! You can find the healthy dog food ingredients in most stores. Whip 'em up in minutes and freeze... done. Furthermore, they're inexpensive, exceptionally healthy (uncooked) and safe!
They're not Nimble's favorite gourmet dog treat recipe (she's too picky!) unless it's really hot outside. But, she insisted I share these with you because...
...these dog treats really contrast her other snacks and most dogs we give 'em to snatch 'em up! And, they're really popular in the canine world. Lastly...
I can't put 'em down.. bite, chomp, gone!
"Hey dad, we'd better warm up our frozen yogurt treats today... arf!
Bingo... all done!
The ingredient amounts are approximate.... it doesn't really matter. However, honey and cinnamon should be kept to a minimum.
Remove the treats by turning your tray upside down and flexing if it's plastic. Also, push on the backside of each section. They should fall out.
This dog treat recipe makes about a dozen 1”x1” cubes in our ice cube tray.
Nimble and I hand mix the yogurt, banana and peanut butter. A blender works great... our method has more of a chunky texture. Also, mix in the optional ingredients.
If you're mixing the dog food ingredients by hand, blend the fruit ahead of time. Also, warming up the raw peanut butter makes it easier to work with. If you're blending, don't add oats until you're done mixing.
We use a spoon to
fill the ice cube tray. You can pour 'em out... it's just a bit messy.
You'll notice I decorated the yogurt delights with pieces from Nimble's peanut butter and oatmeal dog treats. I'm sure she didn't mind! Or, you can use pieces of her dog chews.
We stick the appetizers in the freezer for a few hours before Nimble (and I) munch 'em!
Use any of your dog treat containers. Just pop 'em back in the deep freeze!
Tap here to see the rest of Nimble's yummy treat menu!
Nimble Doggy's yogurt snacks are the healthiest of all our dog treats because they're uncooked. How can anything so simple, healthy, safe and inexpensive be so delicious? They'll fit right into your dog feeding schedule... here's our feeding routine.
This doesn't mean our other cooked homemade organic dog treats aren't healthy. They are. Just not as!
Remember a treat is a treat... and nothing more...
By feeding your dog all natural dog food for his main diet you'll have absolutely nothing to worry about. Also, you won't spend every waking moment worrying about salmonella!
We're always on the hunt for other hot doggy treat recipes. We'd be thankful if you shared 'em with us! Please... just healthy, safe dog treats.... ok?
Just shoot us a message in the comments section below. Or...
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"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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