From the list below, safely choose the best organic dog food for your pooch...
Hopefully your furry pal agrees! Our organic dog food inventory is broken down into the following categories for your easiest selection.
After you select a category, you'll find several dog food brands we've researched and stand behind (we haven't listed any brands yet... Nimble has me writing other articles right now... please check back later).
A good quality fresh meat should be included in the ingredients of Fido's best organic dog food...
Before choosing Bouser's delicious dog food...
You might enjoy reading our Organic
Dog Food Brands and other articles before
reviewing the doggy menu.
The dog food categories in our list of links above gives you a very general review of each type of organic dog food. Furthermore,
You'd better not see any of our recommended dog chow on our dog food list of recalls!
If you'd like, read other great, safe healthy dog food articles on our site such as human grade dog food that's organic.
"These have lots of good, interesting info about the different elements in your dog food in greater detail... arf!” Nimble.
… if I wanted to add variety to her plate or for any other reason.
As mentioned before, we're doing our healthy dog food research so you
don't have to. Spend more time with your doggy instead! Speaking of spending more time together... try making or buying your own natural dog remedies... click here.
Now here's that yummy dog chow list...
I feel organic, natural canned dog food is a healthy choice of processed dog vittles (next to dehydrated and freeze-dried) if you don't want to make your own. This type of dog food is very close to its natural state.
I'll throw this in... does your dog have fleas? Mix in some of this healthy stuff and watch those canine blood suckers scatter!
Here's some benefits...
Seems for every good there's a bad (mostly for us, not our doggies!)...
These dog vittles are probably the most processed of all commercial dog food. This surely doesn't mean there aren't healthy choices... we just need to dig deeper to find 'em!...
If you switched your dog from raw dog food to dry food, you'll notice she drinks a lot more water. Make sure that's the reason... this is a good article (bragging again!).
Here's our good, healthy dry dog food points...
Are the qualities mentioned above good for us or our canines? Thought I might throw that in before talking about the not so good dog food facts...
In the wild, dogs gorge to fill up asap before another predator(s) come along, chase off the dog and steel the food. Canines' digestive systems have evolved to handle this gorging. I think this instinct is passed down to our companions.
Although these vittles are frozen, I feel many of the nutrients are still intact. Wild dogs feed on frozen raw dog food (prey animals)...
Here's the advantages...
Freezer burn will ruin all that hard work!
We have a vacuum sealer that works like a charm! It's cheap but the vacuum storage bags are a little spendy. If your frozen dog food is too big for one meal, slightly thaw, chop up into smaller pieces and vacuum seal. Then re-freeze... presto!
How about making Nimble's frozen raw yogurt dog treats? Tap here!
Now for those dog food disadvantages...
Click here to see that dog food list again.
This dog food should be lightly cooked at low temperatures, then frozen quickly. A good portion of the nutrients should be preserved this way.
We cheat and cook our own once in awhile... usually little doggy treats for between meals!
First let's look at the assets...
Are there any drawbacks?
Tap here to see your dog food menu again...
You already know
how I feel about raw dog food!... I'll stick to the general
points, otherwise I'll ramble on forever!
Can I sneak this in?... It's the best organic dog food!
Did your dog gobble it too fast because it's soooo darn good? Does she have doggy diarrhea now? Never fear... our home remedies are right here (hey, that rhymes)!
Here's lot's of good encouragement!...
Here's the scoop on undesirables... there aren't any! Just kidding!...
Back to those dog vittle choices!
It can be mind-boggling at times! Such a big selection! Hopefully this safe healthy dog food list will help you choose a food you feel comfortable feeding your doggy. Always keep in mind (and worth repeating)...
Safe, healthy organic dog vittles are best for your furry pal.
Please try to add raw dog food to your canine's diet as much as possible! Furthermore...
Exercise, sunshine, pure water and fresh air should also be added. If it's not, your best doggy chow ain't worth a plug nickel!...
If you're not feeding your dog raw bones please click here to read about keeping those doggy teeth clean!
Also, don't forget to throw in some safe dog chews...
Our website is a work in progress! We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles. We can't wait to expand on the topics above!
Also, we'll
include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to
choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves. Also...
Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!
Nimble & I always reply to our visitors' comments below asap!
"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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