Unfortunately, our furry friends don't
know much about safe dog chews! Man has domesticated our pet companions. As a
result, our dogs behave differently than their ancestors... they weren't taught how or what to chew.
I'm not a wild dog but Nimble and I can convey our experiences. We want to put your mind at ease. No more worrying about choking, intestinal blockage and unsafe dog food ingredients. Ditto with harmful and unhealthy consequences!
If you're like me, I was afraid to give my dog something to chew on that might cause her harm. As a result, dog dental care and nutritional benefits were compromised. Furthermore, she would have been totally bored if we didn't spend so much time together outdoors.
No more worries. Hopefully, my doggy Nimble and I will put your mind at ease.
Nimble and I want you to really think about this...
I'm totally against not feeding dogs bones. Your doggy should have at least one meaty bone every now and then (we call this an edible chew).
Once upon a time someone started a rumor that evolved into one of the biggest misconceptions of our furry companions' natural diet... "Don't feed your dog raw meaty bones!"
As a result, our dogs suffer from boredom and a large array of dog diseases. In the meantime, the unscrupulous are lining their pockets with dollars. We're talk'in anywhere from the medical field to the dog food industry... and everywhere in between!
Years ago a vet told me that he funded a new, state-of-the-art addition onto his clinic with the proceeds from his dog dental disease patients.
You decide... do you want to risk having your dog chip or fracture a tooth? Maybe there's a chance your dog will choke on a bone. I won't deny this (I've never had a problem with feeding dogs raw, meaty bones. Hmmmm... am I just lucky?)...
...or how about your dog suffering from dental disease or some other life-long malady due to inadequate dog food nutrition (no raw, meaty bones)? When your dog chips a tooth everyone points a finger at the raw dog bone...
If your pooch has dental disease... nobody points a finger at your dog's crappy diet (no raw, meaty bones or safe dog chews). How 'bout all the drugs (poisons) you've been putting into or onto your pooch's body? I could make a list a mile long...
If your dog suffers from disease nobody wants to blame the processed "premium" dog food brands (or anything else unhealthy for your canine). It was supposed to be "fortified with every nutrient your dog could possibly need." Furthermore... this stuff was supposed to contain additives that would scrub your canine's teeth (so you thought).
Finally... you read or were told it was more nutritious than any raw food provided by mother nature!
Here's why the real culprit isn't signaled out...
We're quick to blame the bone for the acute injury. And rightfully so. You hear the bone go crunch. Your dog might yelp in pain. Bingo... it's easy to pinpoint the culprit!
Compare this to...
...you fed your dog lousy chow since the day she was born. You put poisons into or onto you pal's body from day 1. Add to this all those vaccinations, de-wormers and who knows what else injected, sprayed or shoved down your dog's throat. I'll stop right here...
Whew! Bottom line... it'll take weeks, months or even years for dog diseases to rear their ugly head. The evildoer is not easy to pinpoint... not so "cut and dry" as with our bone example. Also, many are smart like a fox... they know what's making our dogs suffer... just won't admit it!
So go ahead... make your decision. What'll it be? Need more time? Ok... just don't take too long. Your companion depends on you...
Just something to "chew on" while you hopefully continue reading this article!
Ok... so your doggy is chewing raw meaty bones and other healthy chews? Excellent! But.. she still has some build-up here and there? You say your pal also gets her teeth scrubbed?
Make sure your companion eats plenty of other raw dog food. The enzymes in raw foods have some real cleaning power. Fruits and veggies also make a good snack (they need to be pureed for digestion).
Or, say, your doggy might like crunching raw apples...
You heard that apples are questionable dog treats? Naw... just give this a click. That's just more processed dog food advocate's b.s...
I found the VOHC's (Veterinary Oral Health Council's) website. It will actually tell you if your furry pal's healthy dog chew is effective on plaque and tarter! Give this link a shot...
There's sooo many different opinions about proper safe dog chews...
It's no wonder many of us are confused... I sure was!
Nimble and I are very lucky to be able to spend time in the wild while observing how dogs eat (chew). Unfortunately, most of us don't have time.
I'm not going to write 100 paragraphs of scientific data to help with your decision-making process. By sharing our discoveries, you can easily copy mother nature to provide an enjoyable chewing experience for your favorite companion. She'll thank you for it!
Here's a good example of a dog chew provided by mother nature for nutrition , enjoyment and teeth maintenance...
Being the creative guy I am, occasionally I break apart coyote poop. I like see what types of raw dog food they're feeding on and how well they digest different foods. If your pooch's digestive system is healthy, she shouldn't have a problem digesting most bones. Notice I said "most." I hardly ever see undigested bone pieces in Nimble's poop...
However, I've seen some pretty big bone fragments in coyote poop. Some pieces were so big I'm surprised they could "push" them out! I believe this is because in the wild, a wolf or coyote needs to gorge before another predator steals their meal. Or... perhapts they've gone for a long time without a decent meal and have a heck of an appetite!
Before we go on... if your dog overdoses on her favorite safe dog chew, take a look at this page. I'm sure wild dogs could also use this info at times!
Also, I give Nimble pretty small bones to begin with. I want to compensate for the fact that she wasn't taught how to chew by her parents... unlike a wild dog.
Keep this analogy in mind when giving your furry pal raw meaty bones (dog chews) at mealtime. Likewise with a man-made dog chew during the day for chewing pleasure and dog dental hygiene.
This is just one example of many wonderful things I've discovered about a wild dog's healthy dog food diet... safe dog chews being the main focus of this article. Chews are part of Nimble's dog feeding schedule... check out her feeding routine!
Do you have a chew for your Pooch that is safe and really does the Job? How about your home made dog chews?
Click here to tell your story... we'll publish it on our website!
Making dog treats is really popular now days. Do you have an easy dog treat recipe? How about a dog treat experience? Would you like to share them?... we'll publish it as a page on our site! Just click here...
Sorry... Nimble just reminded me I'm getting off track again. Ok... back to our article about safe dog chews...
Below are key points you should know about safe (and unsafe) dog chews. These will be covered in in greater detail by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page. We hope you enjoy the articles and our photos!
Still confused about what dog chews are definitely safe for your doggie?
If you are it's no wonder! I just took a few hours to read different sources of dog chew inside dope. Oh my gosh... some stuff is reliable, most other info is way out of whack!
To add to the confusion... I read several articles that were copied word for word!
Let's get you on track... once and for all. Here's a list of general facts we'll cover in our other articles (that list of links we talked about earlier) at the bottom of this page.
Do you have questions, comments or other info you'd like to share? If so... please use the comment section below. Or... click on this link to share your story... complete with photos!
Whew... that's a lot of info to write about! No problem... we enjoy sharing our real life experiences. Most good... some not so good.
We'll share this one right now...
Those catchy little characters below are one of Nimble's favorite man-made chews. They're certainly safe and healthy... her dad spoke with the owner of the company in Holland. "Anything (almost) for my little pooch!"
By the way, I've read that dog chews like these don't clean... nothing is farther from the truth!...
Nothing more and nothing less.
Here's those links to articles covering the generalized dog chew facts listed above. They get into the nitty-gritty while fun to read and easy to follow.
We'll make sure you enjoy plenty of photos as you cruise along...
If the link is not blue then the page is a work in progress... we'll finish it as soon as possible!
Just food for thought...
Lots of chewing might cause excessive thirst... or is it something else? Better safe than sorry. Click here... we'll bet some of this info is brand spank'in new to your ears!
Yipeee... I'm lov'in my safe dog chews!...
Selecting dental dog chews can be a little tricky. It doesn't have to be. Some dog chews are great, some “just ok.” Others are plain terrible!
Seniors, puppies, adults, big and little dogs. All have different safe dog chew requirements. Different strokes for different folks (dogs)!
No worries...
Nimble (and I) will make sure your favorite pal in the whole world enjoys a variety of healthy, safe dog chews. Your pal will enjoy the benefits of a healthy body with awesome pearly whites...
"I hate trips
to the vet and so does my dad... arf!" Nimble. This is an exception...
Sometimes those dog chews don't reach all the nooks and crannies. Mother nature does need a little help at times. Clean dog teeth are so darned important!...
Try brushing... here's Nimble's proof that it works for us! I'm sure even wild dogs could use a little polishing at times.
Share your dog chew story here!...
Having difficulties finding a safe dog chew that is healthy and cleans Bouser's teeth? Are you tired of worrying while your doggie chomps away?
Maybe those raw bones aren't your thing...
Please share your story with us... we can publish it as a page on this site! Together, we can work at finding a solution.
P.S... don't forget pictures of your doggie with her chews (and you)!
Our website is a work in progress! We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles. We can't wait to expand on the topics above!
Also, we'll
include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to
choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves. Also...
Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!
Nimble & I always reply to our visitors' comments below asap!
"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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