Your dog food quality is determined by the elements outlined below. Canine illness will disappear if you follow these safe healthy dog food guidelines!...
For simplicity, just practice the prey animal theory. Also follow our healthy dog food recommendations.
Why spend hours and hours of researching fine print? Just dig a little deeper and follow along (you know I love to keep it simple!). By doing so, you'll have a general idea of what's happening in the dog food world. Try this raw dog food article.
Looking for a disease cure? There's no cure! Feeding correct dog food is the “cure” and it's right here... broken down into a simple list. Pick your topics and then read on in greater detail...
You'll never know what you might find.
Don't miss this... "Yes... dogs can eat chicken." Please click here.
Supplement chicken bone teeth cleaning with healthy dog chews.
And what about these...
If you want to treat your pooch with yogurt dog snacks, please take a look here.
And here's another good one...
I did research about an organic crop field in China. The organic inspection team arrived to make sure all organic practices were being adhered to. After the inspectors left, the workers resumed unethical practices!...
Speaking of nuts... Nimble and I make our own safe doggy peanut butter... tap here.
Fresh fish or healthy pre-made dog foods that include fish can't be beat...
No worries about all those contaminants. Also, since your dog makes her own vitamin C... you don't need to worry about the quality of this vitamin!
I catch all types of fish. Then I grind them up or feed the fish whole to my doggie Nimble as part of her dog feeding schedule... here's more.
If they're too big, I chop into smaller pieces, then serve. What dog food quality! Still...
If your pooch never ate like this before... she might show some dog food intolerance symptoms (no biggie). Here's more on this.
You're still here? You must really care about your pooch... you're trying to digest all this healthy dog food stuff. You want a healthy dog food diet for your doggie... Good!
Click here to read those controversial topics about serving your doggy raw bones or gnawing dog bones.
Raw dog food is more nutritious than cooked dog food. When uncooked, the dog chow is "living food." All nutrients are still intact.
Some of us don't have time to prepare dog food for raw serving...
Furthermore, you
might have health concerns such as salmonella in dogs.
Cooked dog food has a longer shelf life. It's not as healthy but easy to prepare. You might feel health concerns are minimized. However... your pooch may gulp her water bowl dry because most cooked, dry dog food has little or no water...
This can cause dog bloat symptoms. Please check out our article... bloating can be dangerous!
Speaking of...
Making dog treats involves mostly cooked snacks for your dog. Click here for some tasty, safe recipes (and Nimble's favorite).
Do you and your companion have indigestion? Listen to this...
Mixing a bunch of different ingredients together hampers dog food digestion (and ours). The less mixing, the better! Practicing proper food combining sure helps. Is your dog having problems with digestion? Is she throwing up undigested food?
Please see our article about natural dog cures.
I know...
Stay with that list Scott! Ok...
Strict rules aren't imposed on numerous commercial dog food manufacturing practices. From the fields to the shelf or freezer, awareness pays big dividends for finding bouser her healthiest dog food.
Mother nature makes sure strict rules are enforced on her wild dog food diets including mice. "I don't mind stopping for my photo while I'm searching for wild mice... arf!" Nimble.
Click here for neat stuff to know about food for your pooch that's organic and human grade.
Usually you can't go wrong buying organic meat, fish and other ingredients for making your own dog food. Buying commercial dog food can be trickier. If you don't have time to make your own dog vittles that's ok...
“We'll recommend the healthiest dog food companies that really care about your dog's health... Arf!” Nimble. Hopefully you won't find them on our dog food recall hit list...
Our website is a work in progress! We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles. We can't wait to expand on the topics above!
Also, we'll
include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to
choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves. Also...
Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!
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"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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