Choosing a Natural Organic Dog Food Brand is Making Me Dizzy!

If you don't want to make your own natural organic dog food, my doggie and I are sorting out the best organic dog food brands. They're listed below.  We assure you and your pooch they're among the healthiest pre-made dog foods!

Your doggie can be happy and healthy from eating only natural organic dog food.  Look what it did to Nimble!...

Your do must eat nutritious dog food to look like this!Nutritious dog vittles has its rewards!

Listed below are types of safe healthy dog food, along with some neat, general points for each kind of dog chow.  Please keep in mind...

We're currently working on your list of Fido's healthy dog vittles!

Reading about your organic brand of dog food before enjoying both menus is a nice introduction!

Here's the cream of the crop...

Your Healthiest Pre-Made Natural Organic Dog Food Menu...

... should include veggies, meaty bones (this includes fish), nuts, seeds, fruit and whole food supplements.  If it doesn't contain all of these, just feed them seperately (raw is best).  Speaking of fruit... read this about feeding your doggy apples.  And yes... she can eat 'em!

Please try to raw feed your dog as much as possible.  Oh, don't forget to include nutritious organ meat like this...

Organic pre-made dog food should include organ meat!It'd be great if organ meat was included in your pre-made dog fare!

We'll head the list with two types of our all natural dog food, freeze dried and dehydrated dog food.   I feel these dog vittles might retain a good portion of the nutrients.

Both types of dog food claim to be very close to the real thing... both use a drying process by extracting water.  Claims are made that most nutrients remain unaltered.   This makes good dog food sense.

But keep this in mind...

Freeze drying does not heat up the natural organic dog food. This is a very favorable benefit.   However, as I mention below, some manufactures “lightly heat” (cook) some ingredients before moisture extraction!

On the other hand...

Dehydration does heat up the dog food while removing the moisture.  How much and for how long is a factor.  Nimble and I are doing our research!...

first... let's talk about...

Nutritious freeze-dried dog food pros and cons...

the favorable things...

  • Long shelf life because the moisture has been removed.  Check to make sure preservatives, if any, are natural and not chemical (or synthetic)... they're not needed in this dog chow.
  • Storage is easy and convenient!  Cool... forget about that 'frig or freezer!
  • Preparation is quick and easy... Just add warm water.  Bouser's natural organic dog food will rehydrate in a few minutes... presto!   The high water content is replaced... just as mother nature intended!
  • Nutrients are still fairly intact after the freeze drying process if the food is not cooked beforehand.  As a result, these vittles are very similar to raw feeding dogs...

The unfavorable points...

  • Cooked healthy dog food ingredients are occasionally used before freeze drying. This changes the playing deck.  If we recommend a safe healthy dog food, we'll make sure what you see is what Fido gets.
  • Cost might seem a little high.  Realize expensive machinery and extra time is needed during the freeze drying process.  But, a one pound bag of vittles will rehydrate up to three times its weight or more!

Click here to get back to Fido's dog food list.

Dehydrated natural organic dog food

Yes, cost might be higher.  However,  the extra nutrition needed by these hard playing dogs below can only be provided by healthy, safe dogvittles!...

Extra cost for extra organic dog food nutrition... a neccessary attribute for hard playing dogs like these!You get what you pay for... pay a little more for those nutritional benefits needed by these romping dogs!

Qualities of this dog chow...

  • Storage and Shelf life are the same as freeze dried dog food.
  • Preparation is fairly easy but longer than freeze dried type.  Vittles need to be soaked for about 30 minutes.  However, replacing the high water content of this natural organic dog food, as noted above, is what mother nature intended.
  • Nutritious attributes are probably favorable over other types of cooked dog food (canned and dry)...

    The longer the dog food cooks and the higher the temperature it cooks at, the more nutrients are destroyed.  Period.  Don't be convinced otherwise!

Dehydrated dog food undesirables...

  • Cost, similar to freeze dried dog food, is higher than most other types of canine food. This food rehydrates similar to the freeze dried doggy fare.
  • Nutrition loss probably exceeds that of the freeze dried variety.  However, I feel this type of dog chow is fairly close to the real thing, nutritious raw dog food, compared to canned or dry dog vittles.

View that tasty dog food list again... click here.

Natural Organic Dog Food for Certain Life Stages and Conditions

In the wild, mother nature adds a twist to the food she serves to puppies, as well as nursing and pregnant moms.


we need to duplicate this with our dog munchies...

Puppy food for youngsters a few weeks old

  • “Adult dogs regurgitate pre-digested food for the puppies to eat... don't say yuck!   I'm sure many of us doggies feel humans do disgusting things also...arf!”  Nimble...

Puppy food needs to follow this same principal.

  • It's especially critical that this dog food is of the highest quality.  These youngsters are growing at a fast rate and have very high nutritional demands!

Puppy dog food for new born pups

  • Pups only nurse on mother's milk for their first few weeks on this earth.  There's only one way to duplicate this.   Let those pups nurse on mom's milk!  The pups shouldn't ever be taken away from mommy during this important healthy dog food life stage!
  • A "puppy milk" formulated for a nursing pup had better be spot on... this is an exceptionally critical time of their life!   Their tiny bodies are growing fast and immune systems aren't fully developed.

Natural organic dog food for pregnant mommy

  • I would assume, once mom is almost ready to give birth, she hangs around the den and raw dog food is brought to her.   I have no evidence of this, but it seems logical!   Furthermore, I believe she eats the same type of raw dog food as the rest of the pack... just more of it.

That being said...

  • Make sure mom gets plenty of good healthy dog food to meet the demands placed on her body while the little crumb snatchers are developing!  Did mom gorge a little too much?  Try these doggy upset stomach healthy home remedies...

Click here for our favorites.  Or...

Read about these... they should help your pooch also!

Mother nature doesn't help seniors and other dogs with different maladies (illnesses and injuries).  For once...

This is our chance to do better than mother nature! 

Hey, speaking of... this senior is so thankful for organic, healthy dog food.  Check out the little gal...

This little dog has it made... fresh air, sunshine, exercise and plenty of  organic dog food!Dad makes sure nutritious dog vittles are served to this little crumb snatcher!

Natural organic dog food for seniors

In the wild, wolves prey upon older animals.  These predators will follow and chase a herd of animals, sometimes for hours or even days.  This is done until an animal, due to age or an ailment, is unable to keep up with the pack.  The wolves key on this lone animal!...

  • Perhaps your best friend, due to age, has missing teeth or some other type of physical handicap.  Maybe she can't digest her dog food well.  A safe healthy dog food taylor made should fit the bill.

Dog foods for certain diseases

  • Is your pal diabetic?   Perhaps she has cancer or some other illness.  Fortunately, some healthy dog food choices are available for your pooch to munch on.
  • Because dogs are domesticated and forced to live in our environment, they suffer from the same (unhealthy dog food) illnesses we do!

Go back to your dog chow list.

Did your pooch eat too fast?  Perhaps you mixed too many different types of dog food together when making his vittles.  These and many other reasons could cause doggy upset tummy.  Please check out our dog upset stomach home remedies... tap here. 

The Real Meaning of Natural organic Dog Food...

Give the following pages a try (as well as the rest of our site) for some good natural dog food reading... some of this stuff you won't read anywhere else!   These articles will give you some great background info to help you with your best healthy dog food choices.


they will surely raise some hackles!

  • Munching dog bones and scrubbing your pooch's teeth... your doggy needs to exercise her jaws and clean her teeth.  These are good additions if you don't feed fido raw dog food.  Also, your pooch needs some additional fun and entertainment!

Click here to see Nimble's beautifully illustrated doggie tooth brushing regimine!

Needed... These Natural Organic Dog Food Supplements...

My doggy and I get plenty of sunshine, exercise, fresh air and pure water.  Your dog food needs these healthy additions!

A quick word about “pure” water...

We distill our water to remove impurities.  Making distilled water would be a nice addition to your healthy dog chow.  And...

Only pure water should be added to your natural organic dog food!Our distilled water is 99% pure. I add organic seeds to the water jug for nutrients!

“The high water content of raw fruits and vegetables is already distilled... arf!” Nimble Doggy...

Tap here to read about veggies for your dog.

It's best to use pure water when rehydrating your healthy dry dog food and all other uses.  If you don't purify it yourself, you can buy it.  But, not all purified “bottled” water is pure... sorry.   Be wary of those bottles with pretty labels!

The bottled water industry is regulated like the pet food industry... loosely!

Feel Good about Your Furry Pal's Dog Food?

We hope you feel great about making an informed all natural dog food choice.  As I said elsewhere, if it ain't on our lists, your dog doesn't need it.  But, please keep in mind our safe healthy dog food menu will always be in the construction phase.  So...

You or your dog might have questions about the canine vittles on our lists (or not on our lists yet).  Please use the comments box below or our Contact Us page to shoot us a call!

Please check our list of recalled dog foods before feeding your pooch her new dog chow...

Our website is a work in progress!  We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles.  We can't wait to expand on the topics above! 

Also, we'll include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves.  Also...

Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!

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"We love hearing from you :-)  Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!"  Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...

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