Making a Power Smoothie Dog Treat

by Sylvia
(Palm Springs, CA)

What healthy ingredients!

What healthy ingredients!

*** Today's Power Smoothie ***

Wow... Making dog treats Sylvia's way fights cancer, strengthens the immune system and detoxifies! And there's lot's more...

Kefir, Strawberries, Bananas, Spinach, Flax Seeds, Spirulina, Pau d'Arco --> all ingredients in a blender --> done :-).

Kefir --> contains several major strains of friendly bacteria not commonly found in yogurt. In fact there are 30 different strains of bacteria and yeast. The bulk of those grains are a combination of insoluble protein, amino acids, lipids and complex sugars.

Strawberries --> fiber, potassium, iodine and magnesium, vitamins C, K, B1 and B6.

Bananas --> potassium, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, biotin and copper.

Spinach --> vitamins A, B, C, and K. iron, antioxidants, beta-carotene, and roughage.

Spirulina --> Strengthen the immune system, Improve gastrointestinal health, Aid in detoxification, Reduce the rate of cancer, Help allergies.

Flaxseed --> Omega-6 fatty acids,Omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish oil --> Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Pau D’Arco --> help stimulate the immune system, heal wounds, and combat infections. Functioning as an antifungal and antiseptic, can help to kill viruses and may be effective against cancer, lupus, and leukemia.

I use the Pau D'Arco capsule... I open the capsule and the powder goes in the blender. I also take it 2x2 a day. Except for the fish oil... I drink the smoothie too.

Sylvia's Power Smoothie doggy treats... all ready to go!...

Sylvia's homemade power smoothie in bowls ready for storage

Scott and Nimble's reply...

Your smoothie dog treat is very digestible. Pureeing vegetables for dogs, fruit, nuts and seeds simulates the stomach contents of the prey animal a wild dog eats!

The friendly bacteria in the kefir really helps to digest dog food and fights foreign invaders among other things. Sylvia... you made a good point about kefir having more strains of friendly bacteria than yogurt.

What would a smothie be without fresh strawberries and bananas? Fruits... along with the greens... provides tons of nutrition!

By the way... spirulina removes heavy metals (detoxifies as Sylvia pointed out).

Those flax seeds and other seeds are really packed with nutrition. And... if you soak them for at least 8 hours they're considered sprouted. This increases the nutrient density.

Finally... fish oil is the next best thing to feeding dogs fish. Yes... dogs can eat fish and fish oil... my doggy Nimble does. In fact... we eat all of the healthy dog food ingredients Sylvia mentioned in her recipe! The only thing we haven't tried is...

...Pau D’Arco which is an herb that comes from the inner bark of a South American tree. I believe it comes in a tincture or tablets...

Sylvia... do you use the tincture form?

We're waiting to hear feedback from those of you that try making this dog treat... maybe freeze it into bite-sized chunks? My doggy loves crunching on frozen dog treats!

Here's more homemade dog treats I've made for Nimble... just click here.

Maybe we should add Sylvia's recipe here as well as the other homemade dog treats contributed from our visitors!

Her doggy thinks so! I don't think Sylvia's doggy will share her yummy doggy treat...

Sylvia's dog lapping up that healthy homemade power smothie dog treat!

Thanks for sharing Sylvia...

Scott & Nimble.

P.S... have questions about homemade dog treats or food? Is there a recipe you'd like to share? Sylvia is the Group Administrator of hundreds of friendly dog owners who are interested in making their own healthy, safe dog treats and dog food...

Stop by and share your ideas, recipes or ask questions! Just click here... Sylvia's Group.

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