Does an all natural dog food diet got you scratch'in
your head? Not for long if you stay with us!
We'll tell you how simple it is to take control of your dog's health! A natural (or as good as) raw diet is the answer. Period.
Raw isn't your thing? Ok, we'll also include:
You'll be shocked to see how easy it is if you observe mother nature. But... many dog food companies want us to think this is complicated!
Nimble never had it so good! I just throw my dog her meaty bone...
You may have your reasons for not feeding your pooch raw and homemade dog food, healthy dog treats, safe dog chews... home made remedies, etc. (or at least part of the time). Okay... maybe later. Until then...
Nimble Doggy and I will be happy to give you our next best choices...
There's a few reputable, safe healthy dog food companies and other doggy product sources to choose from. We'll start sifting 'em out for you pretty soon... help you choose fido's yummy, healthy brands!
"Hey dad, don't forget about brushing doggy teeth, when to feed your pooch... much to feed and all other things (toxic dog food containers, exercise, etc.) related to all natural dog food. Arf!"... Nimble doggy.
We've got it covered Nimble! And finally...
If you join Scott & Nimble's Monthly News Flash community... you'll be "extra-covered!"
We feel our own real life experiences...
... and a few from others we trust (including our personal photos and some from reputable sources) are the best way to learn about feeding your dog properly....
They're the backbone of our site!
I love learning and our visitors have taught me a few tricks as well... thanks!
Nimble and I can only share so much. However... if you share your's (including your own personal photos) and we publish them as a page on our site... wow... there's no limit! Jump right in by clicking here!
Speaking of photos... we don't allow "paid for" stock photos on our site (not a knock on sites that do). We just love our "been there, done that" reputation! And...
Nimble gets excited when I say "I'm taking your picture!" Seriously!
Here's just one example...
Nimble's showing us that coyotes eat wild blackberries...
...and by looking at this close-up you'll see that they can't digest seeds... quit worrying about those darn apple seeds. Arf!
There are many “experts” on the internet as well as other places. Some may well know what they're talking about. However... doing no research themselves... unfortunately too often many repeat what others have said.
Our website is different. We offer information that you can use to make your own decisions... making sure your dogs live a long and healthy life!
I'm not a professional researcher (I guess we are in a way), medical specialist or professional writer. Nor is my doggy Nimble (she's my tester!). I don't have any medical training.
Simply put... I look at the world and everything in it in a different way than most (Nimble and all other dogs do this instinctively!).
As of some time ago, we've decided no more holding back...
We've been up front with you. However, at times we've felt like we're stepping on someone's toes while writing new articles.
For example... we didn't want you to feel that we think all conventional dog doctors are unreliable. So we held back (at times) up to a point (there's some really good veterinarians out there)... Nimble's doctor...
Here's another instance... in the past we told you what dog food ingredients and other elements to avoid that are harmful to your canine.
Know what? Now we'll do better than that...
Nimble and I will tell you what products to stay far, far away from...
Starting right now!
If you don't want to hear the truth... then our site is not for you.
We feel our dogs' health is more important than losing some of our visitors because we're different and aren't afraid to go against the "grain." Nimble and I have a lot to do. We're re-writing any articles if needed. That's a big task!
We'll continue writing new articles about all natural dog food and all things related under the sun like safe dog chews, how to clean dog teeth, making dog treats, unhealthy dog food dinnerware, etc.
I'm really busy with my concrete work right now. I apologize if our site seems like it's gearing down. Nothing is further from the truth!
We grab every opportunity to resume construction. And, taking our own photos uses up a lot of time. But, we enjoy taking them. And...
A Picture tells a thousand words! Furthermore...
We can't wait to hear about all the doggies
that are "cured" by following mother nature's simple and easy to follow
Let's start "raising some hackles" right now...
Check out our We're Mak'in Waves! tasty tidbits...
...which we update every now and then... Just smack this button!
You'll find other juicy stuff in our Tip of the Week!
"We'll let you know each time we open up a new can of worms... arf!" Nimble Doggy.
...aside from the things we mentioned above...
You'll discover things you never knew about here on our website and Facebook Page (and you'll probably wonder why!). And...
We want to make sure you know healthy living is not easy!
Sure... we said it was simple in our opening above. However... here's some words from Nimble...
"It's simple if you follow the 'prey animal' theory... so easy to understand!
Commitment... the time it takes... that's another thing. We know it's easy to open up a bag of Kibble and pour it into your dog's dish...
It's not that easy and fast when you feed your dog healthy, homemade dog food!
Quick and easy is not the answer when feeding all natural dog food and we'll be the first to admit it.
"Arf!"... Nimble Doggie.
That being said...
Someday our Website (and Facebook Page) will be the best part of your day.
Just mimic what dogs eat in the wild. This is called the prey animal theory. “It just can't be that simple!” you say. Yes, feeding your pooch home made raw, healthy dog vittles is easy...
When it comes to figuring out what, how much, how often, etc. It's the shopping, making and storing part that takes time and patience.
The coyotes didn't need to prepare this meal... Nimble wishes she would have gotten here earlier!...
From examining coyote poop to letting my doggy scarf down that abandoned coyote kill, we've been there (and done that). Nimble and I are excited about sharing our experiences with you!
Throughout our site, we'll refer to the prey animal theory. Nimble and I can't think of a better example for illustrating a healthy dog food diet!
This keeps everything in perspective and makes feeding your canine easy and simple.... the way nature does.
Which brings us to this...
We're not going to spend hours analyzing all the wonderful nutrients provided by feeding raw dog food. You can easily find this information online... we'll provide links to reputable sources.
Instead... we'll spend our time convincing you to feed a good variety when serving your furry pal her chow. This all natural dog food will certainly give your doggy all the nutrition she needs.
Moderation. Variety. You'll never over-dose on too much of a good thing. And... keeping it simple will encourage you to continue this healthy way of raw feeding dogs.
Get rid of
all those charts (except our food combining chart!). Quit counting
calories, etc. Your dog will store what she needs (like a bank) and pass on anything
she has too much of (just like us).
"Hey... the more I read, the more I'm convinced that a lot of this stuff applies to us humans, too!" Absolutely!
This is just one example of how Nimble and I aren't afraid to speak our minds... we tend to "go against the grain." You won't see us advertising tons of safe, healthy doggy products...
Why? They're harder to find! Nimble and I can't wait to start sharing our (and those of whom we trust) homemade doggy goods with you!
Now... Ready to take a break before you read on? How about a good laugh? Nimble would love it if you'd click here!
I just got back from our weekly shopping trip...
Maybe your dog is ill. Perhaps your friend is old. Bringing home a new doggy?
For whatever the reason may be... barf dog food has your attention!
Or maybe...
...raw is not your thing. You're really intent on finding a healthy, safe pre-made dog food or doggie treats!
Bottom line... you just want the best for your pooch! Dog food that is all natural is a new territory. Chances are, you'll hear things on our website you've never heard before.
Want an example? Ok...
Nimble and I hardly ever drink water. The raw, living food we eat doesn't have all the water cooked out of it, like processed food. Mother nature intended us to get our water from our foods (something about whole foods). And, this pure water is already distilled!
You (and I) want to feed our dogs healthy, safe dog food so they'll live forever... like Nimble on "our" beach below...
I read tons of books over the years about all natural dog food. One of the first and best was a little book written by Kymythy Schultze. It's called Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats (we're not promoting here).
She talked about our prey animal theory. I also include vegetables, nuts, seeds and the best fruit for dogs. Don't forget those whole dog food "supplements" (herbs, etc.) if you think they're needed.
I haven't forgotten this book since... best little healthy dog food book on this planet!
I also haven't forgotten about those greens. I'll blend Nimble's veggies...
I brought home my first little doggy quite a few years ago. Bad teeth, runny eyes, body odor, runny poop, fleas and much more. Poor little girl!
I slowly introduced raw, all natural dog food. My little canine slowly became the picture of dog health!
If you're looking for a quick fix pill you're in the wrong place. But chances are you know our website is about really healthy dog food and treats. I mean really healthy!
Some friends had two of the cutest, friendliest little dogs you ever met. Their whole life centered around these dogs. One little guy began to loose weight and stopped eating...
I gave them some of my dog's raw food (like Nimble is showing you above). The doggy's health improved! He began eating more and more while gaining weight...
But they decided to stop raw feeding!
The little guy died. Mom was
heartbroken. It doesn't figure (although you can bet they got some "professional" advice elsewhere)!
Many of our articles are about adult dogs, big and small. Puppies and old dogs, as well as special cases, are also covered. Requirements and needs may be different... we'll make sure we make this distinction.
This is one of the most overlooked facts of canine heathy living (among many others). Nimble and I will keep you posted along the way...
Oops... I almost forgot...
Before we go on, Nimble wants you to know...
"I'll hang around if you need me.... I love sharing tips so your doggy can be as healthy as I am... arf!" Nimble Doggy.
Now for the rest of Nimble's all natural dog food list...
Yes... I cook once in a while! Check out Nimble's organic, free range chicken hearts and livers. We had some extra's so... I'm going to bake 'em for Nimble's healthy dog treats...
But she can't have 'em fresh out of the oven until she takes one of her natural remedies for dogs!...
Speaking of doggy snacks... did you know that doggie treats and all good healthy dog food must be combined properly? Proper food combining is a topic Nimble and I will keep bringing up as well as...
Moderation and variety. Some doggie treats are human foods... even Nimble's favorite baked dog liver treats! As long as your dog lives a healthy lifestyle, feeding different healthy dog treats in moderation is ok.
Finally, eating properly would not be complete without sunshine, exercise, pure water, grounding (bare contact with the earth), fresh air, fasting and a caring home...
... which are mentioned here and there throughout our site since nutritious dog food is supported and metabolized better with these key "ingredients."
Oops! Nimble just reminded me... there's still one more...
"Let your dog be a dog"... arf! Nimble.
I guarantee your dog's health will improve! No more pills, drugs, sprays, powders or other poisons. No more frequent, expensive and stressful (for you and your dog) visits to the vet! The list goes on...
Nimble's enjoying those supportive key ingredients listed above...
... and that caring home. Bingo!
You might be wondering about the fasting...
We fast regularly. This is one of the most healthy things you can do with your pooch. The health benefits are unmatched... and it's free!
So let your dog eat that poop...
“What's that?” you say. You'll read about this which is part of...
...laying out a foundation for excellent health. It's fun when it's simple. Do this by feeding healthy, all natural dog food. Your furry friend will thank you!
"Don't forget... I'll throw in my two cents worth now and then.... as long as those treats keep com'in... arf!" Nimble.
How about you?...
Raw dog food (living, best all natural dog food). Many people feel even the best raw dog food is unsafe. Others (us) feel it's the best healthy dog food diet on this planet!
Doggy snacks. Tell us about your favorite dog homemade treat... is it better than Nimble's liver treats? Nimble doesn't think so... she'll die for her baked organic dog liver treats!
Doggy chews that are safe. How do you feel about feeding healthy dog bones to your pooch? Do you think most dog chews are unsafe? What's your favorite safe dog chew?
Nimble is living proof healthy, safe dog food works! I think she wants more of it now...
Our website is a work in progress! We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles. We can't wait to expand on the topics above!
Also, we'll
include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to
choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves. Also...
Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!
Nimble & I always reply to our visitors' comments below asap!
"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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