You've Tried Every Home Remedy for Dog Fleas?...

What about nutritious dog vittles?  They're the best home remedy for dog fleas.  You say... “But my dog is really healthy and she still suffers from those nasty critters!”  No problem...we've got some safe, healthy dog home remedies you can feed your dog that will help.

Include pure water and air, sunshine and exercise...

Include sunshine, exercise, pure water and air with your home remedy for dog fleasNimble spends a lot of time outdoors, away from her household flea buddies

Also, understanding why wild dogs don't suffer (as far as I can tell) helps you understand why we need to lend mother nature a helping hand!

We'll top this off with why you shouldn't use chemicals or drugs of any type..ever!  They're poison to your dog!  Poisons make your dog unhealthier... which means more fleas and more poisons.  Round and round we go...

After learning about our dog itching remedies for those nasty, blood sucking critters, you'll read our juicy info about the things we described above...

This is our way to make you keep reading!


Yes, Garlic's Ok as Your Home Remedy for Dog Fleas...

And it works for us!

You've heard that garlic is a unhealthy dog food (scientific studies) for your pooch, right?  Something about anemia... hmmm.  Like many dog foods, too much of anything isn't good. This even applies to some safe healthy dog food.  Moderation and variety is the key when it comes to daily dog nutrition.

Garlic dog flea remedy works great!Nimble with her fresh, organic garlic heads

Speaking in on this link to make sure about the quality of your pooch's food.  Or...

Is it human grade?  Here you go!

As far as remedies go... sometimes we increase the amount... but only for a short time.  Your doggie (and you) will be just fine!

The “scientific studies” were done with extracts, not the whole clove.  Even the best raw dog food must be fed as a whole, not broken up into parts.  I could write a book...

Also, dosages were way out of bounds, unlike any amount a dog or human should be fed!

Besides a perfect home remedy for dog fleas, garlic has numerous healthy dog food diet attributes.  These include anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, supporting a healthy immune system function, etc. (too many to list here).

I've followed this regimen for years with Nimble and my late doggy Gidget...

Your main dog food ingredient...

  • Garlic.  It must be organic and raw.  Grown in USA is best.  If it comes in a bottle or box, it doesn't belong in your dog's system (or yours)!

Buying garlic...

  • You can find it just about anywhere My health food store always carries it.

It's not expensive...

  • This home remedy for dog fleas is cheap and powerful... a little goes a long way.

Simple to prepare...

Make sure you mash your garlic dog flea remedyIf you don't puree garlic with your pooch's food, make sure you mash it up

Serve it up...

  • Use a measuring spoon.  “One-half” or “one-third” clove doesn't cut it.  All cloves weren't created equal.  The following amounts are safe for your doggie...

    5 lbs      1/6 tsp

    10 lbs    1/3 tsp
    15 lbs    ½ tsp
    20 lbs    2/3 tsp
    30 lbs    1 tsp

  • Using as a home remedy for dog fleas.  Feeding amount for dogs is 2-3 weeks tops, once a day.

  • Using as a “dog nutrition supplement.”   A little goes a long way!  My little dog Nimble is 10-11 lbs soaking wet.  I'll slip a pinch in her food every day or every other day... 

Blend garlic with your veggies... fleas hate this dog flea home cureBlending garlic with our veggies is my favorite way to feed Nimble her flea remedy

However, sometimes she doesn't eat all her barf dog food.  Sometimes I'll miss a week or we'll fast.  As you can see, I keep the garlic to a minimum.


  • It'll keep on the your kitchen counter but I store garlic in my 'frig.  Because of it's anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties... it'll last a long time.

Our Notes...

Don't believe everything you read (our article not included!).  No worries if you follow our guidelines.  Worth saying again... it must be raw.  Organic is best!

Here 'ya go...try this good article about garlic for dogs.

Another Home Remedy for Dog Fleas that Works...

Good ole' apple cider vinegar!

It's probably the easiest dog flea cure to use and my dogs don't seem to mind it (as far as I can tell).

Fleas don't like Nimble's vinegar dog flea remedy.  I add seeds for nutrition.For extra nutrition, I add seeds to Nimble's vinegar "flea" water

Apple cider vinegar is very healthy... it's antibacterial and balances out our canine's ph levels.  Like garlic, it has too many safe healthy dog food attributes to list here.

Nimble keeps reminding me that I ramble on at times and my articles get too long...

"He'll write a book if I don't stop him... arf!"  Nimble.

Nimble grimaces as she tells me not to write a whole book about our vinegar flea remedy for dogs.Nimble's afraid I'll write a book someday

Put this in your shopping cart......

  • Apple Cider Vinegar.  Organic, unpasteurized, raw and unfiltered is the only way to go. Glass bottles are best for this tasty home remedy for dog fleas (plastic contaminates the contents).  Some non-glass containers claim to be safe... I'm not sold on this yet.

Some of your extra change should do it...

  • It's reasonable.  A little goes a long way... just like garlic.

Finding it...

  • You can find vinegar (the good stuff) just about anywhere.

Preparing and serving...

Our dog flea remedy doesn't get much easier... just mix vinegar in water!Can this remedy get much easier? Just add and mix... presto!

  • Mix into your pal's water. I mix about a tablespoon into Nimble's waterShe doesn't drink much water because of her raw diet ... feeding your dog raw food provides lots of water!  I feel one tablespoon is not too much. Her bowl is about a quart.

    I change her water every two days.  Also, I always add some organic seeds to her water for a dog “nutrition supplement.” 

    I know some of you are thinking that I don't change water enough.  We won't go there... ha!  Besides, this home remedy for dog fleas is a preservative!

  • Adding apple cider vinegar to your canine's food.  I'd add 1 teaspoon to Nimble's healthy dog food ingredients (she's 11 pounds), one time per day, if she ate all her food.  If your dog is about 40 pounds, 1 tablespoon should do it.

Storing it...

  • Refrigeration is not required.  It lasts so long around here I do it anyway.


I use the above amounts for flea maintenance.  If you're not using it for a remedy, reduce the amount of apple cider vinegar.  I feel it's really safe to use.


Too much of anything, especially supplements or other “concentrated foods created by humans", needs special consideration.  Use your good judgment.  Speaking of...

Tap this link if your dog gobbled too much chow and has the runs!

Are you concerned about apple cider vinegar and your dog's pH?...

Give this article a shot to help you understand your pooch's pH balance and vinegar.

Nutritional Yeast... a Home Remedy for Dog Fleas?

I've never used nutritional (or brewer's yeast) for a home remedy.  However, I sprinkle nutritional yeast onto my dog's food every now and then.  Because of Nimble's complete wholesome diet, I don't use it too often. The same goes with other whole food supplements.

Nimble's dog flea cure... nutritional yeast sprinkled onto her snacksI sprinkled nutritional yeast onto Nimble's frozen raw meatballs

I haven't used brewer's yeast because nutritional yeast is more palatable.  From what I've read, brewer's yeast is a safe alternative.

Nutritional yeast is safe to use... I've had it around the kitchen for years.  Because I know it's safe, nutritious, and I've researched it's flea repelling qualities... here you go!...

One and only ingredient...

  • Nutritional yeast. I've never seen certified organic.  However, check the ingredients.  Shoot for zero additives... seems like everybody nowadays wants to fortify the heck out of all our nutritious foods.

Where can you find it?...

  • Online and health food stores.  Because of it's popularity, it's easy to buy.  Just make sure you don't buy the junk from China!

Is it spendy?...

  • Yes.  But, as with garlic and vinegar, this cheesy tasting home remedy for dog fleas goes a long way.

Preparing and serving...

Mix nuitritional yeast into your dog's food for nutrition and a dog flea cure.I think your dog will like the taste of nutritional yeast sprinkled on her food

  • Simple... just mix it into your pet's food.  Or, you can sprinkle it on top.

  • I give Nimble a teaspoon with her food, once a day, when I decide to feed it (she's 10 pounds).  Some might think this is conservative... I'm sure it is.


  • I keep it in a cool, shaded place.


To me, nutritional yeast tastes much better than brewer's yeast.  It tastes kind'a like cheese... I know both my dogs begged for grandma's cheese!

Why Don't Wild Dogs Need a Home Remedy for Dog Fleas?

A wolf's lifestyle...

Wild dogs are free to roam.  If coyotes enter a flea infested area, they can leave whenever they want.  They aren't confined to one place their whole life.  Wolves roam miles a day in search for prey animals and other healthy dog food.

Good dog flea remedy... exercise and cold winter sandExercise is healthy for your dog and not so good for the fleas... especially the cold winter sand!

Also, the temperature and environment are changing constantly with the seasons.  One time the habitat might be suitable for fleas.  Before you know it, there's snow on the ground... 

Mother nature knows how to keep these nasty bloodsucking critters under control.  What a natural home remedy for dog fleas!

Finally, wild dogs live a much healthier lifestyle than most of our furry pals (not Nimble, of course!).  A healthy diet, sunshine, exercise, pure water (check out Nimble's distiller) and pure air makes for a really healthy animal.  Fleas hate healthy hosts. Period.

Our pooch's lifestyle...

Most dogs are confined to a restricted area.  If fleas live here, your doggy has to room with them!  I'm willing to bet that dogs who live on farms and spend most their time outside aren't infested with fleas (a natural remedy for dog fleas).

The temperature in our homes is constant (hot in the summer, warm in the winter).  There's never snowfall, floods, etc.  The fleas are lov'in it!

Fleas love unhealthy hosts.  I'm willing to bet that 85% of our dogs are unhealthy.  They lack the healthy lifestyle of their wild ancestors, which include raw meaty bones. 

Proper nutrition is one of our remedies for those nasty dog fleasHopefully your doggie eats as good as Nimble does!

Home Dog Flea Remedies Should not Include Drugs!

Stay away from all those poisonous pills, powders and sprays. You're just masking the symptoms while your furry pal's health declines. The unhealthier your dog becomes, the more fleas she'll haul around. Then more drugs are used.  It's a vicious circle...

The drug companies are not fooling Nimble and I with their marketing schemes...

Drug companies are making billions of dollars at the expense of your dog's health.  And, they don't work!

If your doggie has another ailment and you're thinking about drugs... hold up!  Instead...

Check out this page with home remedies that are safe for your pal.

Bottom line: Our Home Remedy for Dog Fleas Will Help


If fleas are in your house...

You'll never be able to get rid of your dog's fleas completely while she's living under your roof.  The healthier your dog is, the less problems she'll (and you) will have.  There's always a few fleas hang'in out on Nimble now and then... I don't sweat it.

Our home remedies for dog fleas work.  However, fixing your dog from the inside out with a healthy lifestyle will get to the root of the problem.  During this transition, use our dog fleas home remedies while your dog is adapting to his new lifestyle.

Fresh fish and other raw foods will make your dog healthy... dog fleas don't like remedies like these...Feed your dog raw food such as this trout I just caught for my doggy's dinner!

Our website is a work in progress!  We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles.  We can't wait to expand on the topics above! 

Also, we'll include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves.  Also...

Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!

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