Don't let Dog Salmonella Stop handling Raw Food...

This dog eats raw and doesn't get dog salmonella!If I worried about salmonella and didn't feed Nimble correctly, she wouldn't look like this!

We hope to change your mind about dog salmonella so you can feed your pooch nutritious raw food (or homemade cooked)! 

Want to hear about about preventative measures nobody is talking about?  You and your doggy might hear some things about salmonellosis (salmonella) that you haven't heard before.

You won't read about...

...numerous, lengthy pages breaking down dog salmonella scientific data.  Also, we'll let someone else discuss all those time consuming clean-up chores you're supposed to do after handling “deadly” raw meat for dogs.  I'd quit our raw meat dog food diet if I had to do all that stuff!

Ready for our take on this?  Ok... here's why dog Salmonella is such a big issue...

Our Canine's Food Carries the Dog Salmonella Bug

Salmonella thrive in the following conditions...

  • Most (not all) of our meat is raised in constricted environments.  Animals can't roam freely, as they do in the wild.  As a result, no fault of the animals, living conditions can be filthy, harboring disease!  How would you like to be cooped up, living in your own you know what?

Chickens free ranging on a few acres of farm land don't make a good host for the salmonella bacteria!...

Dog prone diseases don't want to live in these healthy chicken hosts!Nimble's chickens growing up. Her chickens are happy... they're free to roam

  • Feed given to these animals is not species correct.  Also... gmo's, pesticides, herbicides, radiation, and you name it make these foods unhealthy... certainly not an organic dog food!  And...
  • Drugs are administered to the constricted animals... more reasons for ill-health, less reasons for the dog salmonella bacteria to go somewhere else!
  • Crowded living quarters not only cause filth.  Stress is common, compromising the animal's immune system. This also increases the chances of disease.  Salmonella is lov'in it!
  • Processing.  Animals are processed in a contaminated environment.  Some operations are in a big hurry for production, overlooking dog food sanitary requirements...

But not this small, local farm where Nimble's chickens are raised... dog salmonella free...

Chicken food borne diseases hate organically owned operations such as this!Nimble sure enjoys coming here to pick up her chicken!

Dog Food Salmonella Bottom Line...

The more factors causing farm animals to be unhealthy, the greater the chances of the animals harboring salmonella bacteria and other diseases.  Disease loves unhealthy hosts, it doesn't like healthy “homes.” For example...

Dogs covered with fleas (not a disease but a good analogy) are usually unhealthy (their are exceptions).  If your dog becomes healthy, those fleas will go somewhere else.  Or, the dog fleas will be kept to a minimum.  Click here to learn more about using natural remedies to rid your dog of pests.


Our dogs may be  loaded with unwanted internal parasites if they're unhealthy.  Instead of loading up your doggy with de-worming medications (drugs), restore your dog's health.  Those nasty critters won't hang around...

A few always do... this is normal.  Mother nature has a reason.  Your dog's body can deal with this.  In nature, wild animals have parasites...

But, they are not loaded with them.  However... the old, dying animals are!

...or serving your pooch these yummy yogurt snacks!

My past furry friend can tell you all about this.  Drug companies don't want you to know this stuff.  They'd go broke...

...and they surely don't want your dog eating veggies or fruit and vegetables.  These are foods that help keep your canine healthy!

These examples apply to your furry pal, you and the “prey animals" she eats.

Our Poochs' Ill-Health Attracts Dog Salmonella

If your pooch is unhealthy, his chances of catching dog salmonella are much greater.  Many probably don't believe this (or they don't want to tell you).

An unhealthy dog has a weak immune system, unable to keep salmonella bacteria and other pathogens away.

Furthermore, if your healthy dog catches salmonella, chances are her symptoms won't be so severe.  Also, recovery time will be quicker!  

This means possible recovery at home and without drugs and spoiling her with your home made dog treats while she recovers!

Hey, speaking of... would you like to share your dog's irresistable, nutritious dog treat recipe?  Click here to find out how!

Compare home recovery  to...

A lengthy, expensive, drug enhanced recovery program at the dog hospital.  This is stressful on your dog, you, and your wallet!

Salmonella in Puppies, Seniors, and Ill Dogs...

... is more of a risk.

  • Puppies don't have an optimum immune system.  You need to be aware of this.  Still, the healthier, the better.  There's nothing worse than a sick puppy!
  • Seniors also have a weaker immune system. They're more prone to dog diseases.
  • Dogs that have or are recovering from an illness are more susceptible to dog salmonella.

Here's a Few Dog Salmonella Facts...

Try this great article some time.  It contains some good information about this nasty dog bacteria.

I feel you need to detect this disease as soon as possible if your pooch was exposed to the “bug.”  The sooner, the better!

You need to be aware of these salmonella poisoning symptoms...

  • Dog fever.
  • Shock.
  • Dog anorexia.
  • Skin disease.
  • Mucus in dog stool.
  • Abnormally fast heart rate.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Dog Diarrhea.
  • Is your dog throwing up her food?  My dog regurgitates grass after eating the green stuff occasionally.  I feel this is normal behavior.  I could write books about a dog throwing up undigested food and eating grass. 

"My dad used to worry about me eating grass, then throwing it up.  He doesn't anymore since he noticed grass in coyote poop.  Also, we've seen regurgitated grass while hiking in the hills... arf!"  Nimble.

Your pooch should be able to run around in big open areas... salmonella in dogs doesn't like healthy doggies!Sorry Nimble... no grass here to munch!
  • Lethargy.
  • Dehydration.
  • Loss of that carnivore appetite!
  • Depression (not the same kind Nimble expresses if she misses her treats!).
  • Decreased activity.

Possibly, your dog may not have salmonella if she displays one or more of these salmonella symptoms.  Here's more about dog food intolerance symptoms... just tap this link.  And...

I'm not one for taking my dog to the vet every time she sneezes!  “Good... arf!”  Nimble Doggie.  

But, if I have an uneasy feeling about something, Nimble and me are first in line at the doggy doctor's office!

Our dogs can't speak our language... they can't tell us if they're feeling under the weather.

I'm not experienced like a vet... I can only tell you to be aware of and recognize salmonella poisoning symptoms.  Closely monitor your dog.  Don't take chances!

Maybe your doggy just gorged too muchDoes she have the squirts?  What next?  Click here to decide.

Good Hygiene and Dog Salmonella


After handling raw meat, it's a good idea to wash everything that came into contact with the meat.  I do, but I'm also not a fanatic... it would drive me nuts!  I'd probably give up feeding my pooch her raw meat dog food diet...

... which is a big part of our dog feeding schedule.  Here's more. 

Well... ok, there's lot's of times I don't wash my hands.  But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

If your dog has salmonellosis, remember that it can be transferred to you through your dog's saliva or feces.   Also, your dog can shed the salmonella bacteria weeks after her illness.

Finally, some canines are asymptomatic... they can carry and transfer the salmonella bacteria without having any ill effects.

Our Dogs and Us Have a Lot in Common!


Have you noticed this after reading our article?  Just about everything we discussed can be applied to humans as well!

Speaking of... I wouldn't be surprised if you started snacking on these safe home made dog biscuits!

Nimble and I can't guarantee you or your dog won't attract this unfriendly salmonella bacteria.  However, chances are, if you and your meat eating companion(s) are healthy, the “bug” will go looking for another unhealthy human or doggy to live in.

Healthy animals (your dog and it's food) make an unhappy home for dog salmonella bacteria!

Salmonella bacteria found in dogs hate living in hosts like this healthy, free range doggy!My free-range dog enjoys fresh air, exercise, sunshine, healthy food and this pure water!
  • “All meat (fish, poultry and beef) that I eat are free range, healthy organic animals.  Some aren't stamped organic, but my dad and I know all about the dog food sources... arf!”  Nimble.

Worth mentioning... dog dental hygiene is important for good health too... please tap here.

I don't feel Nimble and I are lucky we've never had salmonellosis.  Being healthy and having a strong immune system plays a big part.  Speaking of healthy...

Remember, this whole article isn't just about meat... include those raw meaty bones too!

Our website is a work in progress!  We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles.  We can't wait to expand on the topics above! 

Also, we'll include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves.  Also...

Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!

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"We love hearing from you :-)  Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!"  Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...

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