It might save your dog's life!
Gulping down that tasty dog food...
...then exercising right afterwards... a no-no!
If you've already read other online articles about this nasty malady... you probably knew we were going to talk about this stuff. And nope...
We didn't forget about...
Please follow Nimble's advice...
"Please don't skip down to 'em... fight off the temptation... arf!”
In a nutshell (based on a ton of researching I've done)...
Bloating is a build-up of gas and food in your doggy's tummy. It might consist of some liquids also. My small dogs have never experienced these dog bloat symptoms (I guess)...
Afterwards (not always)... the affected dog might experience twisting of his/her stomach (called GDV... Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus). This is when the situation becomes critical! The rotation can cut off blood supply to the affected areas... this is just one of many life-threatening consequences.
Does the twisting occur before or after bloating? Seems there's some controversy here...
You should know your dog inside out...
This way... you'll notice if something is different.
Some of the signals are...
Face it... your dog just won't be acting her normal self.
Sometimes a dog's stomach will bloat with gas without any further consequences. This will be followed by... Phewee! Then back to normal life as a canine. Or...
Unfortunately, twisting might begin.
“How do I know if the bloat is going to cause twisting?” It's your call. If it was me... I'm out of here... off to the vet. And... I'm not one to take Nimble to the vet every time she sneezes!
Does your dog have an upset stomach? How about some other ailment? You can learn about some natural remedies for dogs by clicking here.
We feel most causes can be eliminated. Unfortunately... some of our dogs may become a victim of this ailment. Why not do what we can to keep this from happening?
Boy... we're sure glad you didn't skip over the other info above to get here!
“Hey.. I've already read about this stuff!” But... we'll bet you didn't read this...
Your dog lives in our unhealthy environment. As a consequence... unlike wild dogs... he/she suffers from tons of different maladies! Bloat is only one of them.
Nimble showing you what she doesn't need much of...
I could give you tons of examples...... chemicals, gmo's, etc.
Yes... some breeds seem to be genetically susceptible to this. But... because of our forced, faulty breeding practices over the centuries... their bodies were made to look the way we wanted them to look. We didn't care about the consequences (another pitfall of living in our environment).
We'll never be able to completely wipe out all threats of this ailment. However... you can reduce your dog's chances drastically!
Here's some...
Our pureed fruits and veggies (raw) are full of purified water...
You're not familiar with raw feeding dogs this way (amount, correct proportions, etc.)? Please visit the following pages and cruise through our site when you have more time...
Nimble's left-over bones are 6 months proof of eating a raw meat dog food diet...
Gastropexy is surgically attaching the stomach to the body wall to keep it from twisting. Food for thought... does your dog need to be spayed or neutered? You might think about having this done at the same time if surgery is your choice. If it were me... I'd have to think really hard on this one...
Our furry friends suffer from many different maladies because they live in our unhealthy environment... doggy bloat is only one of many. Although not totally preventable... let's put a dent in it. How? By our awareness of our our dogs' wild ancestors' healthy lifestyle...
We'll never be able to duplicate this. But... we can sure give it a shot! You owe her that much.
Remember... chowing down + gulping water = dog bloat symptoms.
Dog throwing up undigested food.
This annoying upset stomach syndrome isn't serious like dog bloat symptoms (usually). Deal with it at home or take your pooch to the vet?
Dog food intolerance symptoms.
Wild dogs tolerate their food... how come our dogs have disturbing reactions from eating (our food)?
Fetch it!
Home remedies for dog diarrhea.
Does your canine have the squirts? Here's some home made concoctions we've tried...
Fetch it!
Dog food quality.
Unfortunately... many dog foods (and our food) are of poor quality. Your dog (and you) are what you eat!
Fetch it!
Our website is a work in progress! We'd love it (and so would your dog) if you returned regularly to check out all our new articles. We can't wait to expand on the topics above!
Also, we'll
include our highly recommended products for you and your dog to
choose from... only those we have used or would use ourselves. Also...
Be sure to check out Scott & Nimble's News Flash for monthly helpful tips and other neat stuff!
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"We love hearing from you :-) Don't be shy... I won't bite... Arf!" Nimble Doggie (& Scott)...
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